How do I tell my relatives that playing poker is normal?


People who only start playing poker get to the thought that the poker world and the world of other people aren’t lookalike. These worlds are built on completely different principles:
•    poker for poker players is a kind of financial business with all its traits
•    poker for common people is semi-criminal gambling that doesn’t bring any good
As the most popular card game in the world, poker is a part of human culture. But common opinion is closer to the point one. People get information about poker from the movies where it is depicted as a “dangerous game” where everyone cheats and risk their lives. News are filled with scandals from the poker world about the fraud.
So when poker becomes a significant part of your life that brings you a steady income, and you face the problem: how can you persuade your relatives to the side of those who sees the world like in point one.
Talk of poker like of steady income source and difficult professional controversy with other people is not easy. Skepticism is not the biggest obstacle you will have to face.
In this articles, we will try to talk of the way we build understanding with the relatives. We will discuss the moments that will help you build a contact with the people who are close to you but far from poker.
Should you talk about poker with the relatives in the first place?
To find an answer to this question one has to deal with two factors: your attitude towards poker and the level of importance of this info to the people around you.
First thing that you have to do before getting explanations to your relatives is to figure yourself out. Do you really treat poker professionally? Does it bring you stable and significant income? Are you ready to make living by playing it professionally in the future years? Only positive answers to all of these points have to become the first step toward your talk with relatives.
If poker is only hobby to you, there is no point in seriously discussing it with the ones who surround you.
You also have to draw the line to the circle of people you thing are close to you. Everyone who is outside of the circle will be OK to hear something like “specialist on micro financing and financial risks”.
Don’t make this list of dedicated people too big. Parents, brothers, sisters, your significant other and the closest friends are the only people that have to hear something from you.
1. Prepare for the talk
Whom are you going to speak with?
Preparation for the talk is no less important than the talk itself. As you have several close people, there will be less talks. It is extremely unwilling to have the talk with all the players at once. Secondly, your arguments for building the talk and the reaction for counter facts of your relatives have to differ depending on whom you talk with – your mom, your girlfriend or your friends.
The next step of preparation to the talk about poker normality is choosing the arguments.
What will you say?
You should avoid expressions like: “poker is a game of skill”. Most people thing that chess is the only such game, and poker is completely unlike that. This example won’t be perceived as an adequate one.
You’d better choose a different approach, speaking of traits that, according to the opinion of your relatives, close poker with casino and other kinds of gambling. You have to narrow down the discussion to the talk of variance and factors it depends on. It is important to show that variance in the casino and games results never depend on the players. As there are many important factors in poker that have an impact on the result. Tall about the game strategy, adjustment to the opponent and bankroll management.
You also may provide relatives with the list of arguments that are common between poker and financial investments, as well as with any other activities and high risks. You can tell about the poker pros and ability to constantly win in poker. Show an analysis for huge massive of poker information that show that player’s skill influences the winnings.
Prepare the examples of players’ bio of several poker pros. Make emphasis on people of different sex and age have to have a high IQ and ability to read the opponents.
If you play poker professionally, tell of your examples of steady positive play on the distance and your car and flat aren’t to be sold to cover losses in the nearest future.
Form arguments in favor that risks and variance in the modern world are met at all the industries. There is no more “work for life” – this is irrelevant now. You are not going to spend the whole life playing poker. Tell of your life plans widely. Show poker as a business that gives a valuable experience in terms of educations, working time planning and financial investments in yourself and gain needed acquaintances.
When and where are you going to talk?
Talk preparation has to include the place and time choice and consider your relative’s conditions. Everything has to be comfortable, no one has to be in a hurry, everyone has to be entitled to the constructive communication.
2. Talking process
Do not have too high expectations for this talk. People poorly and slowly change their point of views at any issues, get ready for your talk to not go as planned and in some time, you’ll have to get back to it.
After you will come out that poker is your job let your relative talk. Listen to him/her attentively and try to adjust the facts you have prepared to the words he/she says.
After all the words are told you can use Socrates method of questions and answers. Together you will form all the objections of your relative to poker and will prove them ineffective.
By any means, avoid emotions in your talk. Say you want to explain your choice and it is important for you to explain the opinion of all the participants of the talk.
Don’t try to point your relative’s incompetence in some questions. The worst-case scenario is the one when you make it all personal and emotional.
Build your discussion of relational thoughts. Take it seriously.
Certainly, this talk with your relatives is going to be a unique one. You know them better than anyone, and you will be able to build the talk around the. Just try to understand that your relatives care the most about your nearest future. Your goal is to make their fears about poker go. Your positive life example in financial, organizational and educational senses has to become the main argument for poker as a main source of making money.


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